7 Tips to Keep Kids in Sports

Allistair McCaw, a Sports Performance Specialist who has worked with the likes of Serena Williams and Hyeong Chung and owner of McCaw Method, happily shared some tips with Zayed Sports Academy parents so that they can help children stay involved in sports for longer, develop more completely and avoid injury. If you've got a budding athlete, keep these in mind to ensure they stay active and engaged in their pursuits of choice.
- Fun, learning and socializing should always be the main of playing a sport for a child.
- It should be the kid who determines how often and what level they like to play.
- Not all kids want to compete, some just like to play! Parents need to remember this.
- It is recommended that a kid should play at least 2-3 sports before the age of 13 years.
- Playing a combination of individual and team sports is recommended. It helps develop athletic skills, teamwork and cooperation with others.
- For a child that loves their sport and is driven to become better, the priority sport should take up no more than 60% of their time in athletics.
- For serious-minded kids who love to play and compete, use the basic age : hours ratio. In other words, a child aged 10 should be scheduled for no more than 10 hours per week – across all activities.